Why I Drink Shakeology

Let me begin by saying that I am a skeptic.  If you promise me a magic pill, potion, drink, etc, I will chalk you up to a crazy person and be done with you.  I believe that any lasting change takes work.  Lots of work.  So, when someone suggested that I needed to try this 21 Day Fix program and along with it "this Shakeology thing," I was hesitant.  Would replacing one meal a day with a shake really produce results?  I did my research before I ordered, and here is what I found:

Let me start off by saying that I found that Shakeology is unlike anything else on the market.  Shakeology is NOT a protein shake.  Most Americans are not protein deficient.  However, most of us do not get the amount of other nutrients that we need on a daily basis.  This is what sets Shakeology apart from other shakes on the market.  Shakeology is a meal replacement that provides you with superfood nutrition.  Even when we are eating clean, nutritious food, it is really hard to eat enough of all the different types of food to get all the nutrients our bodies need.  Drinking Shakeology is not going to magically make you shed off the pounds.  What Shakeology WILL do is provide you with the nutrients your body needs to stave off cravings, and will give you an entire days worth of nutrition in about 180 calories.  If you are giving your body the nutrients it needs, you will lose weight.  Most dieters fail because after about 10-14 days, you start to feel the effects of being nutrient deficient.  This leads to cravings, tiredness, and irritability.  Eventually, most people give up, because, let's face it, that is not a fun way to live life.  Shakeology provides you with the nutrients you need to avoid being nutrient deficient and experiencing those negative effects.

The superfoods in Shakeology strengthen your immune system.  When I started drinking Shakeology, I ran a preschool, and I was surrounded by coughing, snotting, puking three to five year olds.  I know, not a pretty picture.  Since drinking Shakeology, I hardly ever get sick, and I recover much faster than I have in the past.  Also, the ingredients in Shakeology repair and restore your GI system, which helps you better absorb nutrients. 

I know there are a lot of "health" and "protein" shakes on the market today.  It can be really hard to distinguish between which ones are for real and which ones are a waste of money.  My best advice is to look at the ingredients.  If you see soy in the ingredient list, run away.  Soy is a filler and has been linked to several health problems.  Also, be on the lookout for artificial sweeteners and artificial flavors.  Yes, they will make the shake taste good, but are not giving you the benefits you want, and may actually be detrimental to you.  Did you know that artificial sweeteners actually INCREASE cravings?  No thank you.

Finally, lets talk price.  For around $4.00 per day, you can replace a meal that you are already buying with dense, superfood nutrition.  Most people spend an average of $3-$7 on a healthy meal.  This makes Shakeology a bargain! When you order Shakeology, you are shipped a 30 day supply.  That is 30 easy meals that are waiting for you. BAM!  Plus, because of all the nutrients contained in Shakeology, you don't have to buy extra vitamins and supplements.  Shakeology is an easy, quick, whole food meal plus vitamins in one.

I drink Shakeology every day for a healthy body, increased energy, quicker recovery from my workouts, and reduced junk food cravings.  It has completely changed the way I feel and the how my body functions.  Plus, I think it is absolutely delicious! Give it a try for a week and see what it can do for you! You won't be sorry.


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