Sickness Sabotage!
Well, the "crud" officially had me firmly in its clutches this past week. Its easy to say "no excuses" regarding our fitness regimen when life is sailing smoothly along, but what about when those curveballs come flying at you? There are no easy answers, but here's what I did:
I kept working out even though I felt crummy until my body told me to stop. There are sometimes that your body can push through, and other times that it can't. Part of your fitness routine includes learning about and tuning in to your body. When you know what "normal" workout tiredness feels like, then you also know what it feels like when your body is telling you, "Enough! I just can't do it and I need rest!" I did end up missing two days of exercise this week because I heard my body tell me that I needed rest more than I needed exercise. But, as soon as my body gave me the green light, I was right back on that horse! Part of living a life of "no excuses" means that your commitment to yourself and to your health is stronger than your excuses, and you don't let those excuses win any longer than you have to.
Also, I didn't let my healthy eating go down the drain just because I didn't feel good enough to cook. Part of that is making sure there are plenty of healthy food choices in the house. Even though I did not cook many healthy meals from scratch this week, I was able to put together quick, healthy choices because my fridge and pantry were well stocked with healthy food. I made 21 Day Fix Swiss Oatmeal, homemade chicken soup, and ate lots of fruits and veggies. I continued to drink my Shakeology every day. Hey, all those vitamins and super foods do a sick body TONS of good!! The one time I did have to resort to "fast food," I chose Subway instead of McDonalds. While it may not be the "perfect" food choice, it was much better than alternatives that I would have chosen in the past.
Living a healthy, fit lifestyle does not mean that you will be perfect all the time. You WILL miss a workout. You WILL cheat on your eating plan. Life happens. Do the best you can, and when you do "fail" for whatever reason, don't allow yourself to continue down the path of unhealthy choices. Do not let yourself get into the mindset of, "well, I've already failed, so why even try?" Forgive yourself, and love yourself enough to pick yourself up and start over again as soon as you can. No excuses!!!
I kept working out even though I felt crummy until my body told me to stop. There are sometimes that your body can push through, and other times that it can't. Part of your fitness routine includes learning about and tuning in to your body. When you know what "normal" workout tiredness feels like, then you also know what it feels like when your body is telling you, "Enough! I just can't do it and I need rest!" I did end up missing two days of exercise this week because I heard my body tell me that I needed rest more than I needed exercise. But, as soon as my body gave me the green light, I was right back on that horse! Part of living a life of "no excuses" means that your commitment to yourself and to your health is stronger than your excuses, and you don't let those excuses win any longer than you have to.
Armed with tissues and ready for my workout, well...kinda... |
Also, I didn't let my healthy eating go down the drain just because I didn't feel good enough to cook. Part of that is making sure there are plenty of healthy food choices in the house. Even though I did not cook many healthy meals from scratch this week, I was able to put together quick, healthy choices because my fridge and pantry were well stocked with healthy food. I made 21 Day Fix Swiss Oatmeal, homemade chicken soup, and ate lots of fruits and veggies. I continued to drink my Shakeology every day. Hey, all those vitamins and super foods do a sick body TONS of good!! The one time I did have to resort to "fast food," I chose Subway instead of McDonalds. While it may not be the "perfect" food choice, it was much better than alternatives that I would have chosen in the past.
Living a healthy, fit lifestyle does not mean that you will be perfect all the time. You WILL miss a workout. You WILL cheat on your eating plan. Life happens. Do the best you can, and when you do "fail" for whatever reason, don't allow yourself to continue down the path of unhealthy choices. Do not let yourself get into the mindset of, "well, I've already failed, so why even try?" Forgive yourself, and love yourself enough to pick yourself up and start over again as soon as you can. No excuses!!!
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